I do not post to this blog anymore and, to tell you the truth, I have plans to "put it down" io the near future. But I don't want to do that without a certain amount of pomp and circumstance, and at the moment, I don't have enough time to develop an appropriate farewell to
Cuisine Quotidienne, which I imagine will take me several posts. It will have to wait until I get to the USA in four days!
For now, here's a little
clin d'oeil to the 4th of July. I happen to quite like hot dogs, and think they're a nice occasional school night meal -- as long as they're served with a salad or two, or some veggies. And
pains spéciaux pour hot dogs have finally arrived in my region of France!
I know it's culinarily incorrect, but I was happy to find them at my local EcoMarché...
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