Mid-month Meal Inspiration: June 2007

Mission accomplished: this month's version of "Mid-month Meal Inspiration" will include links from two other bloggers. I guess that isn't so bad considering I haven't publicized this new "event" anywhere except here.

Personally, I'm on end-of-the-school-year activity overload, so cooking is going by the wayside too many evenings and even weekends. But hopefully I'll try at least one of these dishes before the end of the month:

A Simple Starter: I've wanted to make something similar to Tasty Zucchini Carpaccio Salad from Je Mange la Ville for about two months now. There was a recipe for it in one of Cyril Lignac's magazines, and I had even bought the parmesan and everything...but ended up using it for pasta.

A Major Main Dish: Ken from Living the Life in St-Aignan sent in the link for "Canard aux griottes," or duck with sour cherries. He has tried it out and translated it and I'm sure it's as good as he says. The recipe comes from "The Garden Kitchen" section of Lugar do Olhar Feliz, who apparently has time to write nine gorgeous blogs within a blog..but I digress. I was happy to discover this colorful site.

Suitable for Barbecue: Katie from the ever-excellent Thyme for Cooking contributed a link for Grilled Pork Chops with Lemon, Garlic and Sage. I've visited the source blog, Kalyn's Kitchen, a few times before and she presents plenty of easy and healthy recipes.

Zucchini Solutions: Who doesn't love Zucchini Fritters? With a green salad, this is a great idea for a simple summer supper. Thanks again to Katie for the link from What's Cooking in Carolina.

Salad Days: From Katie herself this time: try out Tuna Salad -- Not My Mother's. I certainly will if the weather ever gets nice enough!

Don't Forget Dessert: Chez Mégane's recipe for Lemon Tart with Cocunut Crust caught my eye.

Please leave a message here if you try any of these recipes...and happy cooking!

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