Black Olive Tapenade

This dish is for the olive lovers, and I know that's not everyone.  Mixed with anchovies, capers, and garlic, this tapenade creates a sharp and poignant flavor which can not be mistaken for anything else  The mashed up olives create a creamy and rich paste which works very well in sandwiches with tomatoes or grilled turkey or chicken; you can just as easily serve it as a dip for guests, alongside some hummus or onion dip.

So long as you have a food processor, this tapenade is a cinch to make.  You can either buy whole olives and pit them yourself with an olive/cherry pitter, or buy pitted olives (preferably fresh ones, as you can find at Whole Foods).

Olive Tapenade - makes about 2 cups

8-10 oz. black olives
2 teaspoons capers
3 anchovy fillets
1 peeled garlic clove
1 teaspoon fresh thyme
up to 1/4-cup olive oil

1.  In a food processor, combine all the ingredients except the olive oil. 
2.  With the processor running, add the olive oil in a steady stream, until tapenade has reached desired thickness (should look pasty but not greasy).  Season with pepper.

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