Sunday Links

A daily read that will lift your spirits, Misadventures With Andi, written by wannabe Frenchie Andi.  In honor of last Sunday's Fête du Fromage in Rocamadour, Andi asked me to write a guest post about French cheese and my Fête du Fromage, which I was happy to do!

Lucy shares some edible flower magic.

The easiest and most delicious looking recipe for happiness.

I so wish I could sew

Wendy Lyn (with the help of Susan Herrmann Loomis) tastes a seasonal tart that I am simply drooling over.

La Ferme du Vinage, who produces the cheese I tasted this week, le Carré du Vinage, did a fantastic write up about Chez Loulou and la Fête du Fromage.  I didn't have the heart to tell them that I'm not une anglaise...
(update:  they must have read this as they have corrected it - I am now une américaine)


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