Cooking for Easter: Part One

I know my cooking will never rival the likes of Mercotte or Clotilde, but I must admit I did pretty well for Easter. The day is low-key for us, and I always enjoy improvising a spring meal. Pâques is all the more enjoyable since Easter Monday (lundi de Pâques) is a legal holiday in France.

The traditional Easter foods in France are lamb, eggs, and chocolate, usually not in the same recipe. But any festive dishes will do.

I have noticed that supermarkets have been pushing Easter more over the past ten years, advertising foie gras, smoked salmon and champagne. I'm all for the champagne part, but I think it's a pity for the Easter meal to be the same as Christmas, except with bunnies and bells (the latter deliver the eggs in France.)

The first step in concocting my Easter meal was examining my cookbooks to choose the recipes which would make good use of the ingredients I had available...

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