Blogger Chow and Chatter visits me in Paris!

Rebecca's smile stayed all over my place when she left!
Rebeca's lovely family in my living room tasting my apple quatre quarts with tea. Jasmine loved the "biscuits cuiller" that I had bought specially fpr her! Apple Quatre Quarts
3 eggs, separated
250 g sugar
250 g butter
250 g flour
1 pinch of salt
1 apple, peeled
Heat the oven at 375 F
Mix the sugar with the butter, beat until the mixture becomes light yellow.
Add the egg yolks and beat well.
Add the flour and salt
Beat the whites on high speed until they are stiff.
Blen carefully the whites and the previous mix.
Add half the apple cut in slices.
Pour in a pan previously buttered and flowerd.
Place the remaining half of the sliced apple on top.
Bake 40 minutes. Remove and let cool off.

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