No time to cook and friends for dinner

I had a busy day yesterday! A market tour & cooking atelier kept me busy from 10 am till 2 pm, then I had an important meeting outside my home from 3 pm to 7 pm ... and friends came for dinner!
I opted for no stress and served an international dinner ... with the help of my good neighborhood food retailers - and made a special effort to dress the table nicely!

I served a Gazpacho as appetizer.
I make a very good one with the recipe of a friend from Barcelona. But last night I bought one over at a deli in my neighborhood - which was almost as good.
In a side dish I put cucumber cut in dices.

Then I served mushrooms raviolies, bought in the afternoon over at an Italian deli where I buy Italian specilaities. Note that I did pesto myslef ! Crepes served with dulce de leche, a sweet delicacy I brought from Uruguay, were my desert, or "panqueques con dulce de leche".
We had a cool red Saumur Champigny throughout the meal.
Great time and no stress!

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