New Crêpe Cookbook

Two cookbook writers, or auteurs de livres de cuisine -- which sounds like a great job in any language -- sent me a nice email about the release of their new cookbook. Okay, I know it was viral marketing but I'd rather get an email like that than another one for Viagra.
Anne-Cécile Fichaux and Jérôme Odouard's new book, Soirée crêpes (en français) features some great-sounding crêpe ideas, such as:
Crêpes à la Bolognaise façon lasagnes
Crêpes à la ricotta et aux épinards
Tiramisu de crêpes au citron-citron vert (lemon-lime)...
Since I've been promising myself to treat the family to more crêpes after reading AnneCuisine's post on the subject , I may just buy this book. If I do, I'll tell you what I think.

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