Fêtes, etc

Is it Saturday already?
We've spent the week running errands (haircut for me, fixing car, grocery shopping, doctor's appointment) and dealing with bureaucracy (getting all the information together on the list for my husband's carte de séjour renewal, going to the CPAM to find out why I had two carte vitales intead of just one) and going to fêtes!
Our neighbors had a great one Tuesday night, then there was a holiday choral concert Wednesday night, spent Thursday night having dinner at a friend's and yesterday we spent the afternoon at a party with about 50 people and several dogs.

Tonight we have friends coming for dinner and I'm cooking rabbit for the first time. I can't believe I'm actually cooking rabbit! I used to have them as pets and would never, ever consider eating them. When we first came to France we both agreed that we wouldn't eat rabbit...until our good friend's served it up one night at dinner and we were too polite to say anything. It was delicious but has taken me three years to try to cook it myself.
I've taken a recipe for hasenpfeffer from Mark Bittman's The Best Recipes in the World. I've had great luck with every dish I've cooked from this book, so I expect tonight will be no different.

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