Fruits de saison

Years ago, every time I went shopping at the "hypermarché," I came home with some kitchen object. Big French supermarkets have increased their offer in that department, too, so I could be even more tempted now -- except that I try to get my husband and kids to do the grocery shopping as much as possible!

The other day, though, I couldn't resist this "Coupe de fruits carrée." (Yes, this does sound like a contradiction in terms, but that is what it was called.)

We had always piled our fruit onto an over-sized plate, with all of the confusion and lack of breathing space for the fruit that that implies. Now I fill up my little square fruit plate piece by piece, as artistically as possible. When it starts to empty out, I know it's time to buy fruit!

The whole family has taken to the new object, and I find my daughters rearranging the pieces from time to time to give the platter a new look.
It's also fairly compact, so it can be placed on our small kitchen table after dinner without any major effort.

Of course I usually have more than nine pieces of fruit on hand, but they wait patiently in the arrière-cuisine until their moment to shine.

Quel bel objet!

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